A New Kind of Predator
Predator vs. Prey. It’s a dynamic balancing act. During most of the hunting season I am the dominant predator, or so I thought. Seeking to find my prey, preferably elk or deer. This is the time of year when I get the chance to harvest my own wild meat and enjoy all the amazing wild places found here in Montana. I never realized how many other predators were out there until the past two years. Wolf tags have been issued in Montana for a reason. In 1995 & 1996 federal Fish and Wildlife Service transplanted 66 Canadian wolves to Yellowstone National Park and Idaho. By the year 2002, the Northern Rockies wolf population surpassed the federal recovery goal of 300 wolves in 30 packs. In the past decade, Fish and Wildlife has killed about 7% of wolves annually (1,200 wolves in total over the years). The wolves have expanded into most mountain ranges now in Montana, and we are seeing a decrease in elk & deer populations in many areas. As of now, the population has grown to over 1,700 and stronger measures were taken this year to help hunters reduce the population. One thing is clear, hunting is conservation. As a hunter I feel I should do my part. That’s why I bought a wolf tag and if the opportunity arose, I would be glad to use it.
This past weekend we met up with our Dad for some time spent elk hunting. He was looking for his first elk, and we were excited to help him try to achieve that goal. Unfortunately the trip started out with a flat tire just a few short miles from camp. We threw the spare tire on and got geared up at the trailhead. That night and the next day we spent our time attempting to still-stalk elk through the dark timber. A tough venture when there’s three guys and frozen, crunchy ground. With a stormfront moving across western Montana, I made the decision to change locations for the night. We navigated our way through the falling snow, often not able to see more than 50 yards in front of the truck. We knew with the fresh snow in the morning we would have a great chance to get close to some elk. The snow would allow us a huge advantage come morning.
After my 6AM alarm, I opened truck topper door to a fresh 3 inches of snow covering our two-truck campground. Zack and I gathered ourselves in time to eat a quick meal and move our Dad’s truck 1.75miles to where we planned on exiting the timber later that day. We dropped the truck off and made it back to the trailhead for a 3/4 mile hike through the squeaky fresh snow. I made sure not to tell my Dad exactly how far we were going to be hiking, for I wanted him to forget about miles hiked, and just focus on shooting a bull. Fortunately we made it over halfway up the first ridge before shooting light was upon us. Once making it to the top of the ridge, I saw my first set of animal tracks on an old logging road. It looked like snowshoe prints from a distance, but upon further examination it was a fresh set of grizzly tracks!
Of course the bruin was walking in the direction we were hunting, so I carefully followed the tracks, hoping he jumped off the game trail further ahead. My Dad was getting antsy, always thinking the worse is going to happen. I reassured him that the bear didn’t want anything to do with us. Soon we came across two sets of elk tracks heading the opposite direction we were hiking. They obviously had sought out lower ground during the night. We pushed on, glad to see the grizzly tracks head off the trail a 1/4 mile later. As we hiked we passed multiple sets of deer tracks, but never caught a glimpse of a single deer. My Dad was in awe of the beautiful white landscape before him, helping to keep his mind off of his aching legs. We finally got to the location where I shot my very first elk. Unfortunately, the elk were not there feeding in that same spot. We sat down and ate a quick bite, boosted our energy, and set out looking for fresh elk tracks.
As we worked our way back over the steep ridge, we came across 4 sets of elk tracks. I asked my Dad, “you have the energy to follow these tracks a ways?” He replied he did, so we started following the tracks. Soon enough we found some fresh beds, but no sign of elk. We followed the tracks further, as they spread out in the same general direction but a good distance apart. We positioned my Dad in the lead so he would get a shot if he caught view of a bull. Zack was between us with the camera hoping to have enough time to film if we saw an elk. After about a 1/4 mile of slowly creeping through the dark timber, my brother stops us dead in our tracks. He mouths “bull”, pointing to the hillside 150yards away. My Dad and myself look, unable to make out an elk. The timber was blocking our view and before either of us could move he trotted off. Zack was smiling, thinking it was funny that the cameraman could have just shot a nice 5×5 bull elk while the two hunters could see nothing. I didn’t share the same feelings at the moment. We continued following the set of tracks through the overgrown larch trees, hoping for the best. After tracking another 1/4 mile, I see another bull looking at us through the trees!! As I raise my Vortex scope up to see the bulls rack, the bull takes off once again.
The whole time we were tracking these elk we noticed that there was dirt kicked up along their tracks. Almost as if they were trotting through the woods. We knew it wasn’t us pushing them so we pushed on hoping to catch up to them if they slowed to feed for the morning. There were 5-7 sets of tracks in the snow so we knew there were more elk to find than just the two bulls we had bumped.
As we bypassed a small clump of thick brush I saw a dark figure moving through the timber to our left! At first I thought bear, but I saw a long tail! I instantly dropped to a knee and said “wolf” to Zack behind me. I quickly aimed my rifle into the only clear gap I had in the trees. The wolf finally trotted into my shooting lane. I settled the crosshairs and let the 8mm Ultra Mag rip! The wolf dropped instantly, my quartering away shot killing him instantaneously. “I just shot a wolf!” I glanced back at my brother, with the camera on me. “I just shot a black wolf!” I was so amped up and couldn’t believe what had just taken place! One second I’m following bulls, the next I’m seeing wolves hunting the same group of elk as we were!! This was my first real up close encounter with a wolf. I’ve heard them howl, and seen fresh wolf kills, but have never had the chance to get this close undetected. I approached the black mass of fur, completely in awe of the sheer beauty these animals behold.
To see the size of these animals is quite amazing. Upon further investigation of the area, we found multiple sets of wolf tracks, some being larger than this black male. Obviously a pack of wolves had the same idea we did that day. To be able to share this moment with my brother and Dad was priceless. My Dad only gets time to hunt a couple times during the year and this was truly an eye opening experience for him.
After knotching my tag and getting a handful of photos, I loaded the jet black wolf into my Mystery Ranch Long Bow and began arduously placing one foot in front of the other as we climbed the steep snow covered hill. It would be a good 500 vertical foot climb to the ridgeline and then 2 miles downhill to the truck.
After cresting over the small peak we came across the logging road which would take us back to our truck. Before I stepped foot onto the road, I noticed once again a set of large tracks? It honestly looked like bigfoot had ambled through. Of course we knew better and upon further investigation it was another set of grizzly tracks, this time even larger! Once again the tracks were going in the direction we were heading. Another 1/4 mile down the logging road the tracks made their way back into the forest.
We peacefully made it back to the truck, all things intact. No we didn’t get a bull for my father, but we did have one heck of a hunting experience! I couldn’t believe it, I had just put down an elk killing machine, another predator. The same predator that was hunting the same prey as I was. Not to mention we saw grizzly tracks twice that day. As humans we feel we are at the top of the food chain, when in reality, grizzlies and wolves rank very close seconds. We all have the same motive, survive. If it weren’t for grocery stores, humans would have to go out and harvest their own meat, which today is the healthiest meat in the world! The wolves are taking a toll on elk here in Montana, and I have seen this first hand. There out there, and we cross paths more and more often. This time we crossed paths a little too close. I may have just saved those elk I was pursuing today, and ya that feels good! The balance between wolves and elk is off right now and it felt great to help do my part of the management that FWP sets out for hunters each year.
awesome job!!! don’t stop at one!! lol
AWESOME! What a wonderful story!
Very sad to see this wolf be killed only for your enjoyment. The “hunting is conservation” link is not a very good website. Many of their points are flawed for one simple fact, much of the reason conservation was needed in the first place was due to hunters and other destructive human activity. I know your hunter friends will not question you or other peoples bad information but too many of us out in the real world do.
It was killed as part of the management plan set in place by the state. Hunters have done more for the great animals of our country than any other group.
I’m sure hunters have done many good things but they are still part problem for many issues that affect the environment, conservation, and restoration.
Really? You present no facts to support your comments.
u have no idea what is going on with wolves in montana, deer and elk numbers are way down. keep your self and your dumbass comments in the “real world”. what a joke
I totally agree John… Those that don’t live here, don’t have a clue. Go to a zoo and tell me that’s humane… If these activist think that wolves are so fantastic, they need to go live with them….
What you fail to understand that the conservation movement began over 100 years ago. It was hunters realizing the need for conservation of land and species because of all human activity. Since then, and the vision of individuals such as Teddy Roosevelt, Gifford Pinchot, and Aldo Leopold we have wild places and wild game.
There is no other single group who lays down more dollars, more man hours, and funds more scientific biological studies than hunters. Over $2B from the Robertson-Pittman Act of 1937, hundreds of millions annually from license sales, organizational donations and equipment purchases.
Hunters have secured lands I vital migratory routes, preserved millions of acres of wetlands for waterfowl, and are one of the single biggest groups to oppose rampant human developed of lands both public and private.
I’m not sure what your “real world” is like on planet peanut butter, but if you spent some time understanding how the taxes generated from hunting and fishing equipment as well as the additional dollars generated from annual license sales plus the funds donated from hunting based conservation organizations ar spent you would realized the total sum of those dollars is the absolute foundation to wildlife and wild places in North America. Further these wolves would not be off the endangered species list if it was not for the dollars from hunters as noted above that funded the majority of the reintroduction that began in 1995.
Wolves are here to stay, and theyes are a wonderful component to the wilderness. But, they must be managed by science and not “social tolerances”. Currently the science says that there are healthy and diverse populations that are sustainable.
Now, if you want to point out a flaw it would be that wolves are getting an overwhelming share of the blame in the decline of elk herds. The science is showing that cougar and bears have more of an impact. But, this all goes back to the point that all species need to be managed to maintain stable populations of predator and prey.
The real problem is that wolves are extremely difficult to manage. Fish and Game have stated more than once that they are “like chasing shadows.” In NE OR we have a pack that has become very interested in killing cattle on private property. It’s a mess. The wolves have 100,000 acres of “public” land to roam but they are more interested in coming near town and killing cattle.
Jeff,what real world do you live in!You dont state where you live but I live here in NW montana just a few miles from where this story takes place.Nw mt used to be a wildlife paradise but the wolves,cats and bears have wipped out deer and elk populations to the point where I see more grizzleis a year than I do decent bucks or bulls.It sometimes seems like the surface of the moon in certain places there is so little game.
Guys keep up the great work !
Gosh guys I love your hunting stories, you should write a book and become guides. I am a lady and would be your first.Keep up the good work out there and keep the stories coming. I do not condone the killing of wolves but I am not so narrow minded to know there has to be a balance. Now go get you a grizz, I will be watching your posts. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
superb story and experience, thanks for sharing – just love reading and seeing the activities of my mountain brothers and sisters out enjoying the world and its challenges. I, for one, beleive that you showed sportsmanship and enthusiastic endurance in this writing and reference this experience. As for hunting the wolves, well, I’d much rather see overpopulation from ELK and Deer than wolves – they are a killing machine on the loose and hunting them is one way of balancing that potential, this is a great story and with great pix! Thanks and GOOD LUCK on your bull!
Phenomenal! Congratulations! What a wonderful example of wildlife/ ecological/ herbivorous/ omnivorous conservation. This needs to happen, and more importantly, God commands us to rule over the beasts of the field (Genesis 1:26). It is sad to see people be sympathetic for this wild animals harvest. A true hunter has respect for all they hut and encounter along there hunt. I do not doubt you feel this way as well.
Samuel 17: 34-36, God commands shows us that protecting animals by killing predators is ok.
So again, good job! I would like to see a cougar on your back next!
Great wolf kill MW! And an exelent story! Thanks for sharing! I dont get out to hunt too much, but I love the outdoors, cant wait to visi Montana! On a daily basis though- I hunt commies. Jeff and Juan fit in that subversive group called – “tree huggers” that oppose and impede REAL Americans lives. Thanks to people like Jeff and Juan, I have to carry a .44 in the woods, especially when theres children to look after and educate.Make no mistake, Jeff and Juan want the wolves to be used to eliminate our right and tradition to hunt. Jeff and Juan- you are now the prey, a commie red prey….
Great story and congrats on a great kill. I am a born and raised Montana native and have seen first hand the decline in elk and deer populations. We as hunters need to help manage the increasing wolf population to ensure that our families will be fed. I grew up eating elk and deer, and it wasnt uncommon for my dad to kill both and elk and a deer. Now we are lucky to even see an elk out hunting. Kill one wolf save a herd of elk. Keeo up the good work boys, trapping season starts in December.
Awesome job. An awesome write up also. I salute you for doing your part in the Managment of the wolves. I just wish your father and brother had got one also. Thanks for all you have done. And keep up all the good work. I look forward to future articles.
very nice web site,i work on the turner ranch and we shoot many wolves,but that one is big and it would make lotsa burritos.keep up with the good work
I agree with there needing to be a balance, and enjoyed reading your article. Many people say that hunting is wrong, but forget where we come from. We didn’t always have grocery stores to conveniently buy our food from and actually had to fend for ourselves. I haven’t always lived in a mountainous area and have come to realize that while these majestic creatures are beautiful, there must be a balance. I have yet to go hunting myself, but will definitely be going next year and hope to fill some tags. Hunting isn’t just about sport for everyone. There are many families that rely on it to survive. Keep up the good work guys!!!
This is from a true local north west montana kid deployed overseas and i say good on you guys keep at em! and to anyone that says hunting isnt conservation go look up the facts hunters contribute more money to wildlife conservation then any other group on earth. if it wasnt for us there wouldnt be national forests or wildlife refuges left on this planet. dont degrade hunters when you dont know the facts people they’re doing more for wild animals then you ever will.
Great hunt, but feeling great about saving elk that you were actually trying to kill? This is a terrible argument for wolf management. Wolves are destroying the elk pop in MT but you need to rethink your reasoning for hunting them. Ultimately they hunt for survival, we overwhelmingly do not. It’s balancing our passion for hunting and their innate desire to survive. Leave the anti wolf rhetoric at home, pretty cliche. We want elk to hunt, wolves limit this.
Nice write up guys and really nice photos. You guys are taking some serious heat, hang in there. Debate those that seem worth it, screw those who don’t.
Do you think there is a chance the wolves could have been hunting you as well?
Great story guys! Some people read to deeply into your stories and overreact, don’t let the negative comments ruin a great hunt! You guys are true hunters and do your part in conservation/management every time you are in the field from what I can see. Keep up the good work and good luck hunting the rest of the season!
Great job again guys!!
More than cool. Keep up the good work and congratulation on the latest success. Looking forward to more predator videos this coming winter.
Shoot them all! What the non hunters dont realize is They don’t hunt so they are not seeing what is happening. I lost my puppy to a wolf in West Glacier the neighbor witnessed this. Several people saw the black wolf. It came in my yard and took my puppy from underneath my swing set! Thank God it wasn’t a child. Alaskans know these predators eat children and anything else. So you people that want the Wolfs…. your not realistic. You will sacrifice humans.
No one is sacrificing humans, Wolves and other animals are hunters, Like us. We go and kill them, Their family so they don’t see a reason to not return the favor. If anything you should keep more guarded, It’s your own fault your puppy died.
Great write up! The impact wolves are having on game is devastating.
That’s awesome Travis! We are being impacted pretty hard by Wolves,up here in North Idaho as well. During the month of september; I easily heard twice as many howls as I did Elk bugles. It’s a little unsettling and discouraging. We can now leagally take up to five wolves and I sure hope to do my part.
Keep up the good work boys!
See you on the mountain.
You know there’s a huge problem with wolves impacting conservation efforts for other predators and game. Especially America’s big cats. Too easy for wolves to drive them off a kill. While it’s a shame this beautiful creature had to go down ( and damn I couldn’t believe how big that guy is). The problem has been wolves surprised everyone with how well they’ve responded to the conservation efforts of 20 years ago and now are over populated.
It’s true that wolves can push other predators off kills as I’ve seen it done. Although in the Bitteroot they’ve found dead wolves with puncture wounds through the skulls that came from a lion. They can hold their own against one or two but a pack pretty much has it’s way. The bigger problem with wolves is the diseases that they can carry and transmit to other game, pets, and humans.
Your comparison about you both trying to survive does not apply as, sadly, you killed an aminal you do not intend to eat. I also don’t think that wolf would not have experienced the same pleaure his kill that you seemed to have experienced in your wolf kill.
No, I am not opposed to hunting, but believe you should eat what you kill.
Actually wolves sport kill. They are one of a few that do such. I don’t understand how you think we derived some huge amount of pleasure from this kill. Travis took advantage of an opportunity to manage an animal that needs heavy management if we want to continue to hunt elk and deer as we have for almost a hundred years now. Regardless wolves will be killed by hunters or by government agents with your tax money. I understand the kill what you eat but it just isn’t realistic in today’s society. Other than predators such as wolves and mtn. lions, we always eat what we kill.
JR. You truly represent the hunting community well. You are informed. We all need to be to continue to shift the overpopulation of the wolves in NW Montana to something we can all live with. Kudos to Travis. I hope to bag a couple this winter. Trapping is so much more effective! and,, a great tool for management.
Zack if you guys bag a cat you aught to try eating them. I found the meat quite delicious. It is tough meat so cook it wisely but it’s good!
I’m all about fair chase, so congrats on the hunt. Although, it’s pretty messed up how humans continuously try to admit to themselves that wolves are the sole problem here. It is not wolves that are over-populated, it is humans. Humans are by far the most invasive species the planet has ever seen. Some folks are so unwilling to co-exist w/ wolves that it seriously breaks my heart. I’m a hunter and fisherman born and raised in Montana but feel like I’m the only one who truly believes that wolves have a damn right to be here. It’s a special thing to have predators among the wild. Yes, it’s more challenging but it also makes it more real and far more rewarding. If wolves and grizzlies weren’t here it’d be called California. Again congrats on the hunt, but to anyone who thinks wolves should be dropped off the face of the earth, you may need to re-evaluate what it really means to hunt in the wild.
No one’s saying they need to be dropped off the face of the earth. That’s far from where we stand on wolves. What we care about is that FWP does their damn job and starts doing a better job of it. The wolves that they introduced aren’t native to Montana. They introduced an invasive species essentially and can’t seem to manage the number of predators to prey. I’m all for wolves but their numbers are far to high to continue to have stable elk and deer populations without some change. And the way this country is going it’s just another step towards taking away hunting.
Nobody’s going to take away hunting. That’s an extreme and paranoid statement. I’ll be at the front of opposition if it was. Had it not been for the irresponsibility of hunting in the first place though, we wouldn’t have this issue with wolves, nor the myriad of other wildlife that is now extinct. Blaming FWP is just a scapegoat for man’s mistake. Sure, they need to get their shit together with wolves, but like I said before, it’s not wolves that are the problem, it’s man. Of course it was a mistake to re-introduce wolves but it was a far greater mistake to kill everything that breathed 100 years ago. Believe me, I wish the re-introduction never happened because wolves were already coming back on their own terms. I’m completely fine with hunting wolves, but some of the comments here and anywhere else that’s anti-wovles are truly ignorant. Our generation is paying the price for the previous generations’ mistakes. Everyone wants to blame FWP, Obama, liberals, prius drivers or whoever else for shit that truly happened 100-200 years ago when whites conquered the west with a rifle. We’re all looking for the same thing: a healthy and prosperous environment to hunt and play in. This comment has nothing to do with Montana Wild, because I’m a fan of your work, and applaud your successful wolf hunt, it’s just that some hunters really need to clean up their act because we’ll never get anything done quoting the bible or blaming democrats for the predators in the wild.
I rarely weigh in on these issues but I suppose that is the reason that blogs and websites exist so I’ll make my exception. I find much to agree with and to disagree with here. Chris makes an excellent point. If there had been land and wildlife conservation and management 200 year ago we wouldn’t have had wholesale slaughter of thousands of buffalo, the complete elimination of predator populations in any of the states where this has taken place, or any of the other travesties that exist in our short history in North America. We still are foolish. This is why we are now having hunting drives for boa constrictors in Florida. We kill off anything of value, introduce non-natives into our otherwise healthy native populations of game, and set up nearly unmanageable scenarios and throw rocks at the state and federal agencies who try to make some sense of it. I still hear old hunters in my part of this great country lamenting over the fact that there are no pheasant to hunt here anymore. Well guess what? They aren’t here because they never were supposed to be here in the first place. Ever see a starling? Some moron introduced less than a dozen of them into Central Park in the 1800s and they have all but eliminated several native song bird populations in the Eastern US. Not to mention what impact they’ve had on crops, etc. First we kill off all the wolves, then we reintroduce them into a world that has evolved to exist without their presence. In some cases these non-native wolves are roaming distances very unlike their natural population cousins. All that has happened here is that a hunter, not a murderer or blood thirsty demon, has encountered an animal that has exceeded a population that can be sustained in balance with other populations. So some wolves will be removed from the ecosystem. If the populations dip, we will back off and allow them to maintain their presence. It’s called management. I live in Virginia. I can recall a time when it was hard to find deer to track and a coyote wss unheard of. I now see deer daily on my short commute to work as I drive though my urban landscape. I have seen coyote and fox in my back yard up until the time my own population of two Norwegian Elkhounds was established. It makes sense for wolves, bears, and big cats to be here. It also makes sense for them to be thinned when their population threatens the balance of other populations. I have hunted, though am not hunting at present. I haven’t had the time in my recent years. But hunters are not evil incarnate. They are the reason that many states aren’t over run with unsustainable populations of game animals. And the state and federal agencies that have the difficult task of tracking, counting,and attempting to manage these many populations of predators and prey in a world increasingly being overrun with humans, are to be commended for at least half way avoiding what might otherwise become pure chaos. Hunters,non-hunters, agencies, conservation groups, vegans, meat lovers, and all other groups need to work together to see the world from the other’s point of view, but most importantly, help to keep the balance. We have a dozen plates spinning on a dozen tall wobbly poles, and if any of those plates falls, the show gets a little less interesting. The hunter in this story shot a wolf that had been marked for thinning by scientists who determined that the population needs to be thinned, not placed into extinction mind you, only thinned. Good job, good hunt, and this kill will actually insure that my grandson will one day get to hike in Montana and hear the howls of wolves from his tent. I can remember when I had to hike far to the north to hear such beauty. I have slept, unarmed in snowy woods where bear, wolves, and big cats roamed freely and I lived to tell the tale. We keep them by controlling their numbers. I say we are succeeding, and as much as I love these animals, I will certainly shoot one myself if means we get to have them among us for the long haul. Knowledge is power.
i don’t agree with the reasons for wolf hunting. i haven’t seen a good report written by a biologist or other credible source as to why wolves are the only problem for the elk and deer. yes i agree with management but i just don’t understand why the sudden and absolute hatred for the wolves in recent years. if i find a good report not written by hunters and anti wolf groups. i might change my mind but until then i will only take one per year if i get the chance. i get one deer and one elk why should i get 5 wolves.
i live in manitoba canada and we are having moose and elk hunting zones shut down due to low numbers of game because of wolf kills. I am all for wolf hunting. what these people who are against it don’t realize is that wolves will have from 4 to 10 pups in a litter, where elk and deer have from 1 to 3. So if there weren’t wolf hunters the populations would sky rocket and the deer and elk populations would almost totally diminish. leaving the wolves with no food either. smaller wolf packs mean healthier wolves and healthier big game herds. Great work guys. Unreal photos. keep em comin.
Thanks for sharing this story. I had never seen a black wolf until the image popped up when looking for another animal image. Wow! That thing is huge!
Thanks for sharing these stories, these adventures with your family, all clean so I can share with with my hunting crazed boys.