Entries by Montana Wild

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Burger Time!

Steaks and Burger, that is what 95% of each elk, deer, antelope and bear get processed into.  Call me a simple man but those two allow me to eat the way I like to and keep my overall wild game processing to a minimum while still being able to do the process and control how […]


Tooth & Fang YouTube Release

About three years ago we release Tooth & Fang on Vimeo On Demand.  It was our first full length film and it covered the controversial topic of coyote hunting.  We had been coyote hunting for years and knew why we did it but often met those who knew nothing about it and based their ideas […]


Enjoy The Challenge

A few years ago I had the idea to make a short 1 minute ad piece that would showcase the work that occurs over the year and the lead up to filling a tag you’ve worked so hard to fill.  That piece would be called “Enjoy The Challenge” and our good friends at Vortex Optics […]


Key Gear – WorkSharp Pocket Knife Sharpener

Key Gear from the Field – Worksharp Pocket Knife Sharpener Every year new gear makes it into our kit. It gets tested and either meets the mark or it doesn’t. I want to start sharing with you guys pieces of gear that we add to our kits that rock. Over the years we have carried […]

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Carry A Sharp Knife

A sharp knife is a safe knife. That’s definitely true and regardless of your hobbies or lifestyle there’s a solid chance you use knives on a regular basis. Whether that’s cutting meat in your kitchen, filleting a fish at the boat launch or deboning an elk deep in the wilderness. As society has adapted over […]


Rebounding From Defeat

REBOUNDING FROM DEFEAT “He was right there…..” I beat my fist on the ground and looked up at Jordan, embarrassed, upset and elated all at the same time. We had been working an area I’d just found a few days prior and had already passed on two bulls. Our day was going well until a […]

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A Montana Rifle Antelope Hunt

Six years. It seemed like forever before I drew my first rifle antelope tag. Finally it would be me behind the trigger on a Montana antelope hunt and stoke was high. I’d been on a few other rifle antelope hunts and they always were a blast ending with a good goat on the ground and […]


South Island Brown Trout 3/3

Read Part 1 HERE and Part 2 HERE.  Well it’s been about six months or so since we were in New Zealand and it seems like forever ago.  Time is short as we are in the midst of hunting season so there won’t be much words for this final installment but be looking for some […]


Building A Mountain Hunting Rifle – Part 2

Archery season here in Montana has been a blur and September is almost gone.  As I look at the calendar rifle antelope looms and will be here quickly.  October 6th is the opener and I plan on being there and ready.  So yesterday I decided to go put some more trigger time in behind the […]


First Look – ALASKA

I have always considered the 49th state of the United States to be a mecca for fishing and hunting. It’s a location that has been on my bucket list for many years now, but despite that, I’ve never taken the plunge to buy a plane ticket to, that’s right, you guessed it- Alaska! Who knew […]