simms fishing, bent 2, stonefly inn, dan leavens, zack boughton, fishing, sw montana, montana


The Simms Shoot Out 2013, our first big splash into mainstream fly fishing media.  The film titled "BENT" won the award that year and our friendship with Dan "Rooster" Leavens was just beginning.  If you haven't watched it do yourself and…

Building a Mountain Hunting Rifle

The ultralight craze has been going on for years now, ounces turn into pounds as they say!  Much of the advancement in technology that saves us weight is and has been a good thing.  That said, there is a fine line between counting ounces,…
backcountry, fuel, subscription box, hunting, fishing, camping, backpacking, montana
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Diversify your Backcountry Meals!

Each year brings on a number of different hunts, some day trips and others week long backpack missions.  Each has one thing in common, fuel.  What you put in your backpack and your body has a great impact on your performance in the field. …
nz, new zealand, fly fishing, diy, backcountry, brown trout, south island

South Island Brown Trout 2/3

Read the first part of this series HERE.  After a few weeks on the island we had put some great fish in the net but conditions had been tough.  The rivers had blown out twice and most of the fishable days had overcast skies which made spotting…
Montana PRO T-shirt, montana, apparel, bozeman
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Montana PRO T-Shirt

Summer is starting to taper off and fall will be here before you know it.  We just introduced the new Montana PRO T-shirt to help you transition seasons in style.  Whether you're getting that last bit of summer fishing in, hitting the mountains…
new zealand, fly fishing, diy, south island, montana wild, brown trout, dry fly, fishing

South Island Brown Trout 1/3

If you didn't catch some of our posts through social media you missed out on the fact that we went to New Zealand this spring in search of big brown trout.  It was amazing and we could write a whole book about it, but it's summer in Montana…
tahr, hunting, new zealand
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NZ Tahr Hunt – Day 3

NZ Tahr Hunt - Day 3 Day 3 started with another slow morning of tahr meat sizzling on the wood stove as Josh finished fleshing and salting his tahr cape.  The sun provided some Vitamin D and warmth for a mid-day snooze.  Finally we…
new zealand tahr hunt, tahr hunting, nz, tahr, hunting, south island, free range, video, film
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New Zealand Tahr Hunt – Day 2

New Zealand Tahr Hunt - Day 2 started with the crew sleeping in till just after sunrise.  With one bull in camp we felt confident in saving our energy for another solid evening hunt.  Travis finished up taking care of his hide and skull…
new zealand tahr hunt, tahr hunting, nz, south island, free range, montana wild, film, video
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New Zealand Tahr Hunt – Day 1

New Zealand.  Lord of the Rings, amazing scenery, epic proportions of rain, huge brown trout, more sheep than humans.  The list goes on of unique characteristics about the unique islands far from just about anywhere.  This past February and…
TACTIC, Bozeman, MT, shooting school, long range, rifle, hunting, class
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TACTIC – Long Range Rifle Course

As hunters shooting a rifle is something we all should take very seriously.  It's the means we use to kill the prey we hunt.  Over the years I've had a solid track record as a rifle hunter.  Most of that comes from taking shots at 300 yards…