Tag Archive for: in the field

pack, out, elk, quarter, quartering, gutless, method, montana, wild, hunting, bowhunting

elk, hunting, pack, out, quartering, backpack, archery, montana, wild, video, mystery ranch

You’ve seen the photos before, a guy packing out the bull of a lifetime.  The pack looks like it could easily weigh over a 100 pounds but everything appears to be packed nicely and the rack is held in perfect placement.  How did they do that?  Well more often than not this is a process of trial and error for many and from the beginning we had to learn the hard way.  The first few seasons were a quick learning curve that showed the importance of a quality pack and the knowledge of how to properly use it.

mystery ranch, backpacks, metcalf, elk, hunting, deer, packing, out, montana, wild, video

In just the last year I personally have been involved in the packing out of  11 big game animals.  Over the previous years the number has been double that.  With that much time spent quartering and packing elk, deer, and bear we’ve quickly found out what works and what doesn’t.  Last fall we partnered up with Mystery Ranch Backpacks to create an elk hunting film that broke down the process of quartering and packing out a bull elk.  The following is the culmination of many days spent hunting elk, fighting off mosquitoes and hiking heavy packs back to the truck.  Enjoy!

[vimeo https://vimeo.com/131463819 w=580&h=440]


We will follow up this post with a blog post here very soon on the same process.  If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment or us the “Contact Us” tab of our website to shoot us a message.  If you enjoyed the film please share with fellow hunters in hopes that more people will have a comfortable and awesome pack out this fall! (FYI it takes 3-4 trips to packout an elk if you are solo. In my case I had Travis pack out a quarter during each trip while he was filming back to the truck.)
