Tag Archive for: montana pro

Montana PRO T-shirt, montana, apparel, bozeman

Summer is starting to taper off and fall will be here before you know it.  We just introduced the new Montana PRO T-shirt to help you transition seasons in style.  Whether you’re getting that last bit of summer fishing in, hitting the mountains camping, scouting or hunting this shirt has you covered.

Montana PRO Tee, MT, Montana, PRO, pro, T-shirt, tee, montana wild

A discharge print on a super soft Anvil lightweight tee makes for a shirt you will want to wear for days on end.  You can view and shop this shirt HERE.

hunting, fishing, montana, apparel, pro

Rowing in search of risers.

hunting, fishing, montana, apparel, pro

Side channel slurper.

hunting, fishing, montana, apparel, pro

You can view our full line of apparel under the SHOP section of our website.


SKWALHALLA, gear giveaway, fly fishing, spring fishing, stoke, free stuff, fishing gear, outdoor gear, Good Altitude Trucker, buck nasty browns, skwala, stonefly, skwalla, dry fly hatch, stoke, fishing film, outdoor media, iTunes, Vimeo On Demand

Looking for some new gear to bring along on your next fishing trip? Look no further. As part of our launch of SKWALHALLA on iTunes, we’re giving away some of the best fishing gear that money can buy. Sounds like a pretty good deal huh? Well it gets better. For just $2.99 you can watch 21 minutes of non stop, action packed, savage dry fly eats AND be entered to win a Simms Slick Jacket ($300 value), two pairs of Smith Dockside Glasses, a Yeti Rambler, and a Good Altitude Trucker. Not a bad deal for less than the cost of a cold one if you ask us…



You’re probably thinking “Ok cool, but how do I get entered to win?”, and the answer is simple. Follow the three steps below, and tune into Montana Wild’s Instagram story on Friday March 9th to watch us pick THREE WINNERS.

Step 1: Watch SKWALHALLA on iTunes.

Step 2: Leave a review on iTunes with your thoughts on the film.

Step 3: Keep your fingers crossed, knock on wood, and patiently wait until March 9th.

Prize Packages:

Winner #1: Large Simms Slick Jacket.

Winner #2: Smith Dockside Glasses, Yeti Rambler, and a Good Altitude Trucker.

Winner #3: Smith Dockside Glasses.

Watch SKWALHALLA on iTunes

Still not fully convinced? Check out the official trailer, and get stoked on SKWALHALLA.

PRO, PRO hat, montana, bozeman, hunt, fish, wild, promont, archery, bowhunt, fly, snapback, flat brim

The Montana PRO Apparel lineup is designed to mean many things.  PRO-Montana, PRO-hunting, PRO-fishing, PRO-publiclands, PRO-streamaccess, PRO-conservation, PRO-camping, and so on.  The core premise of the logo is to be “PRO” whatever it is that you want the hat to represent.  It doesn’t mean you are a “professional” at anything.  Although you could definitely wear the hat with that purpose.  All PRO apparel products are part of our 3% For Conservation offering and will help assist in conservation efforts here in Montana and across the West.

PRO, PRO hat, montana, bozeman, hunt, fish, wild, promont, archery, bowhunt, fly, snapback, flat brim, montana pro apparel

Montana PRO Flat Brim

You can view and purchase our Montana PRO Flat Brim HERE.

PRO, PRO hat, montana, bozeman, hunt, fish, wild, promont, archery, bowhunt, fly, snapback, montana pro apparel

Montana PRO Curved Brim Hat

You can view and purchase our Montana PRO Classic Fit HERE.

PRO, PRO hat, montana, bozeman, hunt, fish, wild, promont, archery, bowhunt, fly, snapback, flat brim

PRO, PRO hat, fly fishing, montana, bozeman, hunt, fish, wild, promont, archery, bowhunt, fly, snapback, flat brim, montana pro apparel

PRO, PRO hat, montana, bozeman, hunt, fish, wild, promont, archery, bowhunt, fly, snapback, flat brim

PRO, PRO hat, montana, bozeman, hunt, fish, wild, promont, archery, bowhunt, fly, snapback, flat brim