We drove into the sunset after enjoying a day of elk hunting with our friend Ryan. Our roadtrip east had begun. Images of big muley bucks clouded my thoughts, navigating through small towns, until finally reaching our destination at nightfall. We had seen small groups of mule deer off the road on the way in, giving us a small glimpse of what was to come. I was excited for my first chance to shoulder a rifle of the fall season.

That night I could hear the large snow flakes beating the outside of the truck. The temperatures dropped as I hunkered in my 15F sleeping bag. I jolted awake to the sound of my alarm, setting my eyes on a blanket of fresh snow. Zack and I gathered our gear and ate breakfast in our truck, attempting to gain any warmth we could before heading into the frozen landscape. As I sank my teeth into a muffin, I pulled up my binos and glassed through the foggy windshield. Instantly I located the outline of a deer which resembled the characteristics of a muley buck. Zack and I quickly finished our breakfast and began to close the distance on the deer.

The buck was a nice 4×4 with a 3in kicker off his left beam. The deer was still young and we decided to pass and look for a mature buck. That day we found plenty of deer and passed multiple bucks, ending the day with a close encounter with a decent 3×3. This 3×3 wanted to do nothing else, but chase does. It looked as if the rut was in full swing.

At last light we decided to bust out the predator call. After 15 minutes of calling Zack spotted a coyote 600 yards away along the fence line. I dialed in my scope to 20x and got setup to take a shot if the coyote presented myself with an opportunity. I lost sight of the coyote and continued to scan the long grass for the small furry figure. Quickly I looked left and saw a coyote at 150yds staring at me! I motioned Zack to get the camera on him, and instantly the yote took off running, with another coyote close by. I guessed my yardage as Zack stopped the coyote with a bark. Missed high. Coyote ran another 300yards before stopping again. Another miss high and the coyote was gone. It was an awesome coyote stand, and a spark was ignited inside me. Calling in coyotes is truly an adrenaline rush and anyone who hasn’t tried calling coyotes needs to buy a distress call and do their best Les Johnson impression!

The next day was spent weeding through more mule deer, once again running into the kicker buck 4×4. Plans were made and we headed north, looking for new country. Our afternoon we found an endless amount of smaller bucks and a young 4×4 with great potential in the coming years. All of the bucks were tied up with does, oblivious most of the time to our presence. We camped for the night, grilling elk steaks to cap off the day.
The next morning we continued further into the breaks. Finally we found a pocket of land that the landowner had blocked access to trucks or ATVs. We headed in and instantly saw a couple small bucks chasing does. We kept our eyes glued to the glass before spotting a large mule deer body in the distance. It was a buck, and needed a better look. We closed the distance from 1 mile to 1000yds. The deer was a tall framed, crazy 3×3, with forks in the back. The deer’s headgear resembled a small elk rack and I decided this deer was definitely deserved of a closer look.

Our only option was to sneak through the coulees in front of us, which put us to within 350yds of the herd. I finally located the buck bedded in some sage. He stood, chased some smaller bucks away from his does and then bedded back down, directly behind another sage bush. I knew this was a deer I wanted to take if given the opportunity. If the deer stood, he would have to clear the brush in order for me to have a shot. Zack and I setup, waiting for the deer to make a move.

I dialed in my Vortex turret to just over 300yds and settled into a sturdy rest on my MR pack. After 45min of waiting, the buck stood, chasing his does with his nose in the air. It was awesome watching it all take place through my rifle scope. This buck was doe crazy and his interaction with the other deer was very entertaining. The deer finally stopped broadside, I squeezed off, hitting the deer slightly high. I racked in another HSM round as the deer stopped after a couple steps. I put one more round into the deer’s vitals, dropping the deer within seconds. The Snowy Mountain Rifle had done its job, buck down!

I walked up on the downed deer, checking out his unique looking rack, complete with thick cactus looking bases. The buck was a cool looking deer, with a ton of character. Zack said it best at the beginning of our trip, “I don’t hold out looking to shoot a deer that meets someone’s scoring standards, when I see a buck, I just know whether its a deer I want to take or not”.

We deboned the deer and loaded the fresh meat into our Longbows. We made the hike back through the numerous coulees and breaks back to the truck.
Zack and I cracked open some beers and situated the fresh meat into the cooler, watching the light fade fast in the distance.

The Yeti 160 was starting to fill up, and ready for one more deer. The road trip was off to a great start! It was now Zack’s chance to search for a mule deer.
