Tag Archive for: European mount

Its a subject that comes up sooner or later for a hunter.  How are you going to remember that once in a lifetime hunt?  Shoulder mount? Rug? This spring I shot my very first black bear ever.  It is a staple of events in my life that I will never forget.  My bear may not be a trophy in the Montana books, but its a trophy to myself.  I originally had plans to tan the hide and call it good, but my Mom and Dad convinced me otherwise.  They explained that I better do something special with this bear!  I decided I was going to bite the bullet and save up for a bear rug.  Fortunately for me I had met an extremely nice gentleman by the name of Shawn, while fishing this past spring.  Shawn invited me into his taxidermy showroom and WOW!  This man knows how to do taxidermy!!

Alpine Artistry, Taxidermy, amazing taxidermy, montana taxidermist, elephant taxidermist

Alaska taxidermy, Alpine Artistry, Montana taxidermy, caribou taxidermy, amazing alaska caribou

Shawn does everything from Euro mounts to full size elephants!  It was a no brainer that I would take my bear to be rugged at Alpine Artistry.

Montana Taxidermy, Alpine Artistry, moose taxidermy, fake moose, best moose euro mount, European Mount, Moose European Mount

Alpine Artistry, whitetail photo, montana taxidermy, amazing taxidermy, huge whitetail mount, whitetail pictures

Alpine Artistry’s work speaks for itself.  Can’t wait to see how the rug turns out!  If anyone here in the great state of Montana is looking for a taxidermist, put Alpine Artistry in your phonebook. Shawn Andres 406.726.3120


*Be looking for a Taxidermy page showcasing Shawn’s work soon…
