My first time hearing about the Simms SHOOT OUT was in 2011, where I got my first glimpse at a fly fishing film competition. I wanted to compete in the SHOOT OUT one day, and the thought stuck in the back of my mind. In 2012 we were disappointed when we had heard that the 2012 SHOOT OUT filmakers had already been chosen, and once again sat back and watched the videos that were released. Last year really motivated us to kick some ass and get into the 2013 SHOOT OUT. Here we are mid-April and the moment we have been waiting for has finally come. We are stoked to have the opportunity to be one of four film makers competing in the Simms SHOOT OUT!
Zack and I are dedicated to putting together an amazing video. The competition requires us to film with one Simms guide for 2 days, and then 24 hours to put the video together. The interesting part is we will not know who we are filming with until the night before our first filming day. We are excited and cannot wait for the event to start!
We head out for Bozeman this morning. Make sure to follow our daily behind the scenes SHOOT OUT photos on Instagram @montanawild! We will be giving our viewers a behind the scenes look at what is going on so everyone can stay in the loop. Also you will get your chance on Thursday/Friday April 25th & 26th to vote for your favorite SHOOT OUT film via text message. Stay tuned!!!